I was lying in my bed about to fall asleep when I heard the most horrific shrieking noise outside. I ran downstairs to find my mother foolishly heading out the door without anything to protect herself from a potentially dangerous beast. I told her to get back in the house and put some shoes on while I gathered tools (flashlight, baseball bat) for our investigation.
I went outside with my trusty assistant (who was necessary since I needed someone to hold the flashlight). I also took my camera to document what we'd find.
This is what transpired...
So what was the noise? After some thorough research on the internet, I have come to the conclusion that it was most likely one of the following.
A DOG/WOLF (dog pictured)
No one knows for sure what made the noise, though (except for the creature itself).
This time I was caught off-guard and unprepared for such an event. Tomorrow night, I will be ready and won't hesitate to go outside when I hear any strange noises that could potentially lead me being harmed.
(I am writing this late at night since my adrenaline is still so high from hearing the monster.)